6 mars 2017
Israeli Apartheid Week 2017
Israeli Apartheid Week will be starting next week.
Students nationwide have put together an amazing program. Links can be found on the website apartheidweekbe.weebly.com
Les évènements de Israeli Apartheid Week sont rassembler sur le site apartheidweekbe.weebly.com
Tuesday 07/03 UAntwerpen Palestina als gevangenis / Salah Hamouri / Charlotte Kates 7:30 PM
Tuesday 07/03 ULB Bruxelles Projection - 3000 NUITS 6:30 PM
Wednesday 08/3 UCL Louvain La Neuve : Ciné-Débat - Palestine : Un peuple enfermé 19h00 - 21h30
Donderdag 09/03 Filmvertoning "The Wanted 18" met Amir Haberkorn (EAJS) 7:30 PM
Thursday 09/03 ULB Bruxelles Palestine: Un peuple en prison? 6:30 PM ·
Friday 10/03 UCL Louvain La Neuve Petit déjeuner palestinien - Yalla Palestina ! 9H00
Friday 10/03 UCL Louvain La Neuve Petit déjeuner palestinien - Yalla Palestina ! 9H00
Saturday 11/3: Free The Mic Cultural event at Le Space at 8 PM
Thursday, 16/03 Gent Palestijnse Culturele Avond at 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Wednesday 08/03 Campus Ucl Alma Soirée Palestinienne : FILM prisonnières de l'occupation 6 PM - 8:30 PM
The whole program you can find here at apartheidweekbe.weebly.com
or here on facebook https://www.facebook.com/IAWBelgium/