17 août 2014

Une lettre ouverte en faveur de la population à Gaza

Gaza 4

Une lettre ouverte en faveur de la population à Gaza


Nous sommes des médecins et des scientifiques qui avons consacré notre vie à des moyens pour soigner et protéger la santé et la vie. Nous sommes des gens renseignés ; nous enseignons l’éthique de nos professions en même temps que la connaissance et la pratique de celles-ci.

Nous avons tous travaillé à Gaza pendant des années et y connaissons la situation.

Sur la base de notre éthique et de notre pratique, nous dénonçons ce dont nous sommes témoins dans l’agression de Gaza par Israël. 

Nous demandons à nos collègues, professionnels vieux et jeunes, de dénoncer cette agression israélienne. Nous contestons la perversité d’une propagande qui justifie la création d’une urgence pour masquer un massacre, une soi-disant « agression défensive ». En réalité, c’est une attaque impitoyable de durée, d’extension et d’intensité  illimitées. Nous désirons rapporter les faits comme nous les voyons et leurs implications sur la vie des gens.

Nous sommes écœurés par le massacre militaire de civils à Gaza sous le prétexte de punir des terroristes. Ceci est le troisième assaut à grande échelle contre Gaza depuis 2008. Chaque fois, le nombre de victimes est constitué principalement par des civils innocents à Gaza, spécialement des femmes et des enfants sous le prétexte inacceptable d’Israël d’éradiquer des partis politiques et la résistance contre l’occupation et le siège qu’il impose. 

Cette action terrifie aussi ceux qui ne sont pas touchés directement, et blesse l’âme, l’esprit et l’énergie de la jeune génération. Notre condamnation et notre dégoût sont de plus aggravé par le refus et la prohibition pour Gaza de recevoir de l’aide extérieure et des fournitures pour atténuer les dures circonstances.

Le blocus de Gaza s’est resserré encore depuis l’an dernier et cela a empiré les traces sur la population de Gaza. A Gaza, les gens souffrent de la faim, de la soif, de la pollution, du manque de médicaments, du manque d’électricité, et de tous moyens pour trouver une source de revenus, pas seulement des bombardements et des tirs.

Une crise d’énergie, un manque d’essence et la rareté d’aliments et d’eau, l’écoulement des eaux usées et des ressources en constante diminution sont des désastres causés directement et indirectement par le siège. (1)

Les gens à Gaza résistent contre cette agression parce qu’ils veulent une vie meilleure et normale et, même en criant de chagrin, de douleur et de terreur, ils rejettent une trêve temporaire qui ne leur offre pas une réelle possibilité pour un avenir meilleur. Une voix sous les attaques à Gaza est celle de Um Al Ramlawi qui parle pour tous à Gaza : « Ils nous tuent tous de toute façon – ou bien une mort lente par le siège, ou une rapide par des attaques militaires. Il ne nous reste rien à perdre – nous devons combattre pour nos droits, ou mourir en essayant. » (2)

Gaza a été assiégé par mer et par terre depuis 2006. Toute personne de Gaza, y compris des pêcheurs qui s’aventurent au-delà de 3 miles marins de la côte de Gaza, risque qu’un bateau de la marine israélienne lui tire dessus. Personne de Gaza  peut quitter à partir des deux checkpoints, Erez ou Rafah, sans une permission spéciale des Israéliens et des Egyptiens, qui est difficile à obtenir pour beaucoup, sinon impossible. Les gens à Gaza ne peuvent pas aller à l’étranger pour étudier, travailler, visiter de la famille ou faire des affaires. Des gens blessés ou malades n’arrivent pas à partir facilement pour avoir un traitement spécialisé hors de Gaza. L’entrée d’aliments et de médicaments à Gaza a été limitée et beaucoup d’articles pour la survie sont prohibés.

Avant l’assaut actuel, le stock d’articles médicaux à Gaza était déjà fort bas à cause du blocus. (3) Maintenant il est épuisé.

En outre, Gaza ne peut pas exporter ses produits. L’agriculture a été gravement diminuée par l’imposition d’une zone tampon, et les produits agricoles ne peuvent pas être exportés à cause du blocus. 80% de la population de Gaza est dépendante de rations alimentaires de l’ONU.  

Un grand nombre de buildings et d’infrastructures a été détruit pendant l’Opération Plomb durci, 2008-2009, le matériau de construction a été bloqué de sorte que les écoles, les maisons et les institutions ne peuvent pas être reconstruites convenablement.

Des fabriques détruites par les bombardements ont rarement été reconstruites ajoutant le chômage à la misère. Malgré les conditions difficiles, les gens de Gaza et leurs dirigeants politiques ont récemment bougé pour résoudre leurs conflits « sans armes et sans nuire » par le processus de réconciliation entre les factions, leur leadership renonçant aux titres et aux positions, de sorte qu’un gouvernement d’unité puisse être formé abolissant la politique de division des factions en opération depuis 2007. Cette réconciliation, bien qu’acceptée par beaucoup dans la communauté internationale, a été rejetée par Israël. Les attaques israéliennes actuelles stoppent cette possibilité  d’unité politique entre Gaza et la Cisjordanie et isole une partie de la société palestinienne en détruisant la vie des gens de Gaza. Sous prétexte d’éliminer le terrorisme, Israël est en train d’essayer de détruire l’unité palestinienne croissante. Parmi d’autres mensonges, on déclare que les civils de Gaza sont les otages du Hamas alors que la vérité est que la Bande de Gaza est fermée hermétiquement par les Israéliens et les Egyptiens.

Gaza a été bombardé continuellement ces 14 derniers jours suivi maintenant par une invasion terrestre par des tanks et des milliers de soldats israéliens. Plus de 60.000 civils du nord de Gaza ont reçu l’ordre de quitter leur maison. Ces personnes déplacées à l’intérieur n’ont nulle part où aller depuis que le centre et le sud de Gaza sont aussi soumis à de lourds bombardements de l’artillerie. Tout Gaza est sous attaque. Les seuls abris à Gaza sont les écoles de l’UNRWA dans l’est proche, des abris incertains déjà visés pendant le Plomb durci, en tuant beaucoup.  

D’après le Ministre de la Santé de Gaza et le Bureau de l’ONU pour la coordination des affaires humanitaires (OCHA), (1) jusqu’au 21 juillet, 149 des 558 tués à Gaza et 1.100 des 3504 blessés sont des enfants. Ces qui sont enterrés sous les gravats ne sont pas encore comptés. Pendant que nous écrivons, la BBC signale le bombardement d’un autre hôpital, touchant l’unité de soins intensifs et des lieux opératoires, avec mort de patients et de membres du personnel. On craint maintenant pour l’hôpital principal Al Shifa. De plus la plupart des gens à Gaza sont traumatisés. Tous ceux de plus de 6 ans ont déjà vécu leur troisième assaut militaire par Israël.

Le massacre à Gaza n’épargne personne, et comprend les handicapés et les malades dans des hôpitaux, des enfants jouant à la plage ou sur les toits, avec une grande majorité de non-combattants. Les hôpitaux, les cliniques, les ambulances, les mosquées, les écoles et les bâtiments de presse ont tous été attaqués, avec des milliers de maisons privées bombardées, en dirigeant clairement le tir pour viser des familles entières, les tuant dans leur maison, privant des familles de leur maison en les avertissant quelques minutes avant la destruction.

Une région entière a été détruite le 20 juillet, laissant des milliers de personnes déplacées sans maison, en blessant en plus des centaines et en en tuant 70 – c’est un moyen au-delà de l’objectif de recherche de tunnels. Aucune de ces actions n’est un objectif militaire. Ces attaques vise à terroriser, à blesser l’âme et le corps des gens, et rendre leur vie impossible à l’avenir, ainsi qu’à démolir leurs maisons et interdire les moyens pour rebâtir.

Des armements connus pour causer des dommages à long terme sur la santé de toute la population sont utilisés ; en particulier des armements à non-fragmentation  et des bombes hardhead ( ???) (4) (5). Nous avons été témoins des armements utilisés sans discrimination et contre des enfants et nous voyons constamment que des armes dites intelligentes échouent à être précises, à moins qu’elles ne soient utilisées délibérément pour détruire des vies innocentes.

Nous dénonçons le mythe propagé par Israël que l’agression est faite en se souciant de sauver des vies civiles et le bien-être des enfants.

Le comportement d’Israël a offensé notre humanité, notre intelligence et notre dignité, ainsi que notre éthique et nos efforts professionnels. Même ceux d’entre nous qui veulent y aller et aider sont incapables d’aller à Gaza à cause du blocus.

Cette « agression défensive » de durée, d’extension et d’intensité illimitées doit être stoppée.

De plus, si l’utilisation de gaz devait être confirmée, ceci est sans équivoque un crime de guerre pour lequel, avant toute autre chose, on devra prendre des sanctions élevées immédiatement contre Israël avec la cessation de tout commerce et accords de collaboration avec l’Europe.

Pendant que nous écrivons, on rapporte d’autres massacres et des menaces contre le personnel médical des services d’urgence et le refus de laisser entrer des convois humanitaires internationaux.

Nous, comme scientifiques et médecins ne pouvons pas garder le silence pendant que ce crime contre l’humanité continue. Nous insistons pour que nos lecteurs ne gardent pas le silence non plus. Gaza piégé par le siège, est tué par une des plus grandes, des plus sophistiquées machines militaires modernes du monde. Le pays est empoisonné par des débris d’armes, avec des conséquences pour les générations futures. Si ceux d’entre nous pouvant dénoncer s’abstiennent de le faire et ne prennent pas position contre ce crime de guerre, ils sont aussi complices  dans la destruction de vies et de maisons de 1,8 millions de gens à Gaza.

Nus constatons avec consternation que seuls 5 % de nos collègues universitaires israéliens ont signé un appel à leur gouvernement pour stopper l’opération militaire contre Gaza. Nous sommes tentés d’en conclure qu’avec l’exception de ces 5%, le reste des universitaires israéliens sont complices du massacre et de la destruction de Gaza. Nous voyons aussi la complicité de nos pays en Europe et en Amérique du Nord dans ce massacre et l’impuissance, une fois de plus des institutions et des organisations internationales pour stopper le massacre.

Nous déclarons qu’il n’y a pas d’intérêt de compétition.


There are currently 1591 signatories from abroad, and 83 from Israel, making a total of 1674 - the list has been closed on July 25th, 2014

Dr. Ahdaf Sueif, Cairo and UK
John Berger, France
Angela Davis, USA
Naomi Klein, Canada
Prof. Richard Falk, Princeton University, USA
Prof. Etienne Balibar, Paris-Nanterre, France and Kingston University, UK
Dr. (Baroness) Jenny Tonge, House of Lords, UK
Prof. Noam Chomsky, MIT, USA
Prof. Michael Rosen, Goldsmiths, UK
Prof. Slavoj Zizek, Birkbeck University of London, UK
Prof. Jacques Rancière, University of Paris St. Denis, France
Prof. Haim Bresheeth, SOAS, UK
Prof. Moshé Machover, KCL, UK
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown MBE, UK
Prof. Marina Warner, Essex University, UK
Prof. Yosefa Loshitzky, SOAS, UK
Prof. Hagit Borer, QMU, UK
Prof. Sir Patrick Bateson, UK
Prof. Michael Hardt, Duke University, USA
Prof. Nira Yuval-Davis, UEL, UK
Prof. Jonathan Rosenhead, LSE, UK
Prof. Ronit Lentin, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Nur Masalha, UK
Prof. Yigal Arens, USA
Prof. Laura Mulvey, Birkbeck College, UK
Prof. Jaqueline Rose, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Prof. Andrew Ross, NYU, USA
Prof. Terri Ginsberg, USA
Prof. Hamid Dabashi, USA
Dr. Ghada Karmi, Exeter University, London, UK
Prof. Tariq Ramadan, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Saskia Sassen, Columbia University, New York, USA
Prof. Richard Sennett, New York University, NY, USA
Prof. Stephen Deutsch, University of Bournemouth, UK
Prof. Robert Lang, USA
Tariq Ali, London UK
Prof. Marian Hobson CBE, FBA, Cambridge University, UK
Dr. Dina Matar, SOAS, UK
Prof. Florence Martin, USA
Prof. Jim Al-Khalili, University of Surrey, UK
Prof. Michael Chanan, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Susan Hayward, University of Exeter, UK
Prof. Des Freeman, Goldsmiths College, UK
Prof. Barbara Harrell-Bond, University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Sara Roy, Harvard University, USA
Dr. Julian Vigo, UK
Prof. Martha Mundy, LSE, UK
Prof. Tariq Modood, Bristol University, UK
Prof. Karma Nabulsi, University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Carlos Prieto del Campo, Spain
Prof. Noha Mellor, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Prof. Ghazi-Walid Falah, Akron, USA
Prof. David Palumbo-Liu, Stanford University, USA
Prof. Bill V. Mullen, Perdue University, USA
Prof. Sherna Berger-Gluck, USA
Prof. Rosalyn Baxandall, CUNY, USA
Dr. Staughton Lynd, independent scholar, USA
Prof. David Klein, USA
Prof. Stephen Rose, Open University, UK
Prof. Hilary Rose, Open University, UK
Dr. Michael Witt, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Jeffrey Skoller, UC Berkeley, USA
Prof. Yvonne Haddad, Georgetown University, USA
Prof. William Robinson, UCSB, USA
Prof. Cynthia Franklin, USA
Prof. Ammiel Alcalay, CUNY, USA
Prof, Sarah Schulman, CUNY, USA
Prof. Maurizio Viano, Wellesley College, USA
Dr. Jonathan Hardy, UEL, UK
Dr. Valentina Anastasi, Italy
Prof. Nicoletta Vallorani Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Prof. William Messing, University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun,Université Paris, France
Dr. Les Levidow, Open University, UK
Dr. Yerach Gover, CUNY Queens College, USA
Prof. Ahmed Abbes, CNRS, France
Prof. Talal Asad, City University of New York, USA
Prof. George Bisharat, UC Hastings, College of Law, USA
Prof Russell Pickford, Cornell University, USA
Prof. John L. Esposito, Georgetown University, USA
Prof. Anton Shammas, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Prof. Johnny E. Williams, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, USA
Prof. Alexander Goehr, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. David Comedi, UNT, Argentina
Prof. Maria-Jose Lera, USA
Prof. Manzar Foroohar, Cal Poly, USA
Prof. Leslie Salzinger, UC Berkeley, USA
Michael Harris, University Paris-Diderot, France
Prof. Deborah Gould, UCSC, USA
Hector Grad, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Patricia Caille, Université de Strasbourg, France
Prof. Paige Sarlin, SUNY-Buffalo, USA
Prof. Gary Kinsman, Laurentian University, Canada
Prof. Evelyne Accad, University of Illinois, USA
Prof. Willie van Peer, Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany
Dr. Leonardo Schiocchet, CAPES, Brazil
Prof. David Kelly, UCLA, USA
Prof. Sondra Hale, UCLA, USA
Prof. Miriam David, UK
Prof. Jeff G. Duckett, UK
Prof. Chuck Kleinhans, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Maurice L. Wade, Trinity College Hartford, USA
Prof Nadia Yaqub, University of Noty Caro, USA
Dr. Dennis Kortheuer, California State university, Long Beach, USA
Dr. Karima Laachir, SOAS, UK
Prof. Dina Iordanova, St. Andrews University, UK
Dr. Grace Kyungwon Hong, UCLA, USA
Prof. Nicholas Knouf, Wellesley College, USA
Prof. John Gianvito, Emerson College, USA
Prof. Susan Slyomovics, UCLA, USA
Prof. Nancy Gallagher, UCSB, USA
Prof. Targol Mesbah, CIIS, USA
Prof. Norma Michi, Universidad Nacional de Luján, Argentina
Dr. Gérard Toulouse, ENS, Paris, France
Dr. Agnieszka Piotrowska, UK
Prof. J. Kehaulani Kauanui, Wesleyan University, USA
Prof. Joel Beinin, Stanford University, USA
Dr. Fatou Sow, Senegal
Dr. Ghada Ageel, Canada
Dr. Kate Hodgkin, UEL, UK
Prof. Gabriel Piterberg, UCLA, USA
Dr. Yves Chilliard, INRA, France
Prof. Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Javier Barreda Sureda, University of Alicante, Spain
Prof. Miriam Cooke, Duke University, USA
Prof. Giorgio Forti, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Prof. Luz Gomez García, UAM, Spain
Assoc. Prof. Deborah Elise White, Emory University, USA
Dr. Carol Mann, Women in War, Paris, France
Prof. Karen Brodkin, UCLA, USA
Prof. Devra Weber, UC Riverside, USA
Carlos Taibo, Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, Spain
Prof. Annabelle Sreberny, SOAS, UK
Prof. Giorgio Gallo, Università di Pisa, Italy
Prof. Thomas C. Patterson, UC Riverside, USA
Prof. Nadje Al-Ali, SOAS, UK
Prof. Vida Samiian, CSU, USA
Dr. Patrick Wolfe, La Trobe University, Australia
Dr. Gary Grossman, Arizona State University, USA
Prof. Rochelle Davis, Georgetown University, USA
Dr. Adam Hanieh, SOAS, UK
Prof. Richard Seaford, University of Exeter, UK
Dr. Adrian Grima, University of Malta, Malta
Prof. Judith Stevenson, CSU, USA
Prof. Irene Siegel, Hofstra University, USA
Prof. Jalal Quinn, USA
Jennifer Heath, independent scholar, USA
Dr. Babacar Camara, Independent Scholar, USA
Prof. Yali Amit, University of Chicago, USA
Prof. Musa Budeiri, Jerusalem, Palestine
Prof. Salem Nasser, Fundação getulio Vargas, Brazil
Dr. Hilla Dayan, Amsterdam University College, The Netherlands
Prof. Melvin H King, MIT, USA
Prof. Mona Baker, University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Ariella Azoulay, Brown University, USA
Prof. David Lloyd, UC Riverside, USA
Prof. Elia Zureik, Queens University, Canada
Prof. Nigel Harris, Open University, UK
Dr. Ashraf Zahedi, Independent Scholar, USA
Prof. Kamran Rastegar, Tufts University, USA
Prof. Oliver Taplin, Oxford University, UK
Prof Daphne Hampson, St Andrews University, UK
Prof. Julian Townsend, Manchester University, UK
Prof. Marie Kennedy, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Prof. Dick Hudson, FBA, UK
Prof. Barbara Aswad, Wayne State University, USA
Prof. David Slater, Loughborogh University, UK
Prof. Alisa Land, LSE, UK
Prof. Frank Land, LSE, UK
Prof. Masae Yuasa, Hiroshima City University, Japan
Prof. Graham Dawson, University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Shireen Mahdavi, University of Utah, USA
Zeina Sayegh, Hofstra Univesity, NY, USA
Prof. Sasan Fayazmanesh, CSU, USA
Prof. Lyn Hejinian, Univ of California Berkeley, USA
Dr. Jonathan House, Columbia University, USA
Shira Havkin, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre, France
Prof. Samer Alatout, University of Wisconsin, USA
Prof. Nahla Abdo, Ottawa, Canada
Prof. Cristiana Fiamingo, State University of Milan, Italy
Dr. Eleanor Doumato, Newport University, USA
Prof. Jeffrey Sacks, University of California, Riverside, USA
Prof. Justin Stearns, NYU, Abu Dhabi
Prof. Marame Gueyee, University of East Carolina, USA
Dr. Cindy Rosenthal, Hofstra University, NY, USA
Prof. Mary Ann Doane, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof. Kimberly Katz, Towson University, USA
Tithi Bhattacharya, Purdue University, USA
Prof. Antonia Darder, Loyola Marymount University, LA, USA
Dr. Alisa Lebow, University of Sussex, UK
Dr. Michel Gros, France
Prof. Michael Harris, University Paris-Diderot, France
Dr. Lisa Maya Knauer, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA
Prof. Ulrike Woehr, HCU, Japan
Prof. Catriona Hanley, Loyola University, Maryland, USA
Dr. Yael Korin, UCLA, USA
Dr. Camilo Perez Bustillo, NMSU, New Mexico, USA
Prof. Takayuki Kodera, Kyoto Tachibana University, Japan
Prof. Masaki Uno, Hiroshima City University, Japan
Prof. Ilan Pappe, Exeter University, UK
Prof. Sunaina Maira, UC Davis, USA
Prof. James Bowen, UCC, Cork, Ireland
Maylei Blackwell, UCLA, USA
Prof. Gil Hochberg, UCLA, USA
Dr. Angelo Stefanini MD, University of Bologna, Italy
Prof. Paul Eid, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Dr. Gianni Tognoni, Scientific Director, Fondazione Mario Negri Sud, Italy
Prof. Claudio Fogu, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Dr. Laure Guirguis, University of Montreal, Canada
Prof. Francesco Orilia, University of Macerata, Italy
Prof. Chris Berry, KCL, UK
Prof. Toshikazu Arai, Soai University, Osaka, Japan
Prof. Dale Hudson, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Prof. Christina Civantos, USA
Dr. Ana Pérez Vega, University of Seville, Spain
Dr. Françoise Caira, Université Blaise Pascal, France
Prof. Dorit Naaman, Queen’s University, Canada
Prof. Tony Platt, San Jose State University, USA
Prof. Clifford Weber, Kenyon College, Gambier, U.S.A
Prof. Eric David, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Prof. Marie-Claire Caloz-Tschopp, Collège International de Philosophie (CIPH), Paris, France
Prof. Roshdi Rashed, Directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS Paris, France
Dr. Cathy Bergin, Brighton University, UK
Dr Ken Macnab, University of Sydney, Audtralia
Dr Véronique Altglas, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Professor Joanna Bornat, The Open University, UK
Dr. Ramom Lôpez-Suevos Fernandez, Universidade Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Dr. Marcial Gondar, Universidade Santiago de Compstela, Spain
Prof. Elvira Souto, Universidade da Corunha, Spain
Prof. Raymond William Baker, Trinity College, USA
Prof. Emerita Martha Mundy, LSE, UK
Prof. Christian Laval, Nanterre, France
Prof. Nicole Brenez, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France
Viviane Baladi, ENS, Paris, France
Prof. Stéphane Pujol, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre, France
Prof. Suad Joseph, UC Davis, USA
Prof. Tomas Persson, Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Eric Cheyfitz, Cornell University, USA
Prof. Anna Grichting, Qatar University, Qatar
Dr. Hab. Nora Lafi, Berlin, Germany
Prof. John Downing, Southern Illinois University, USA
Prof. Pablo Mukherjee, Warwick University, Coventry, UK
Prof. Reza Tavakol, Queen Mary University, UK
Prof. Christian Christensen, Stockholm University, Sweden
Dr. Jerise Fogel, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, USA
Prof. Pablo Mukherjee, Warwick University, UK
Dr. Véronique Altglas, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Dr Felix Diaz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Prof. Rick Burkhardt, Harvard University, USA
Prof. Rosalind Petchesky, Hunter College & the Graduate Center, CUNY, USA
Dr Grietje Baars, Lecturer, City University, UK
Dr. Rasheed Araeen, UK
Prof. Marian Hobson, CBE, FBA, UK
Prof. Elsa Dorlin, Vincennes/St. Denis Univerdity, France
Dr. Ron Naiweld, CNRS, France
Dr Lorna Finlayson, King’s College, Cambridge, UK
Prof. Dr. Johan Mertens, Ghent University, Belgium
Prof. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, California State University East Bay, USA
Dr. Lynda Beladjal, Ghent University, Belgium
Prof. Afshin Matin-asgari, California State University, LA, USA
Prof. Sirma Bilge, University of Montreal, Canada
Prof. Karem A. Sakallah, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Prof. Mohammed El-Gomati, York University, UK
Dr. Elena Loizidou, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Dr. Emel Akçali, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Ramona Wadi, Independent Scholar, Malta
Dr. Phil Hutchinson, IDS, MMU Cheshire, Crewe, UK
Dr Priyamvada Gopal, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Maite Solas, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Prof. Alex Lubin, University of New Mexico, USA
Prof. Peter Mayo, Malta
Dr. Mirko Colleoni, Italy
Dr. Máire Noonan, Canada, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Prof. Victor Wallis, Berklee College of Music, Boston, USA
Dr Jason Toynbee, The Open University, UK
Prof. Bill Skidmore – Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Jonathan Neale, Bath Spa University, UK
Dr. Nancy Lindisfare, SOAS, UK
Haifa Rashed, independent scholar, UK
Prof. Deepa Kumar, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
Dr. Gina Velasco, Keene State College, New Hampshire, USA
Dr. Martina Censi, University of Catane, Italy
Professor Darryl Jones, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Gabriella Gribaudi, Naples University, Italy
Prof. Joanne Rappaport, Georgetown University, USA
Dr. Rebecca L. Stein, Duke University, USA
Prof. Gabriella Paolucci, University of Florence, Italy
Prof. Judith E. Tucker, Georgetown University, USA
Prof Laleh Khalili, SOAS, UK
May Seikaly , Wayne State University, USA
Ivar Ekeland, University of Paris-Dauphine, France
Prof. Laura Marks, SFU, Canada
Prof. Mica Nava, UEL, UK
Dr. Robin L. Turner, Butler University, USA
Prof. Ajantha Subramanian, Harvard, USA
Dr. Ali Zarrin, Independent Scholar, USA
Prof. Rosemary Dayigh, Beirut University, Lebanon
Dr. Shira Robinson, The George Washington University, USA
Dr. Raffaele Carbone, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, France
Dr. Luisa Martín Rojo, Univerisity Autónoma of Madrid, Spain
Dr. Lucy noakes, Reader in History, university of Brighton, UK
Prof. Yeongho Kim, Hiroshima City University, Japan
Dr. Raya Cohen, Rome, Italy
Prof. Jorge Riechmann, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Prof. Mary Tuma, UNC Charlotte, USA
Prof. Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Syracuse University, USA
Prof. Rosalie G. Riegle, Saginaw Valley State University, Michigan, USA
Dr. Kamala Viswesaran, University of Texas, USA
Dr. Alberto Toscano, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Dr. Dora Carpenter-Latiri, University of Brighton, UK
Dr. Carol Rinnert, Professor Emeritus, Hiroshima, Japan
Dr. Brenna Bhandar, SOAS, UK
Uriel Orlow, University of Westminster, London
Prof. Isabelle Favre, University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Prof. Avery F. Gordon, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Dr Anthony Leaker, University of Brighton, UK
Professor Hoda Elsadda, Cairo University, Egypt
Prof. Patrick Williams, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Prof Malcolm Povey, Leeds University, UK
Dr. Kenneth Brown, France
Dr. Rosa María Cid López, Oviedo, Spain
Dr. Francisco Erice Sebares, Oviedo, Spain
Prof. Antonio Castellanos, Seville University, Spain
Dr. Carlos Gómez Gil, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Prof. Tadashi Okanouchi, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Francisco Moscoso García, Autonomus University of Madrid, Spain
Dr. Diane Kirby, La Trobe University, Australia
Dr. Lori Allen, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Eleni Varikas, University of Paris 8, France
Dr. Noriko Iijima, Hiroshima City University, Japan
Prof. Luz Ara Andres, Universidade de Valencia, Spain
Abigail Burnyeat, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Prof Heinz Hurwitz, Universite Libre Bruxelles, Belgium
Dr. Maya Issam Kesrouany, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Dr. Hela Yousfi, Dauphine University, Paris, France
Dr. Stephanie Cronin, University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Gavan Titley National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland
Elisa Giunchi, università degli studi di Milano, Italy
Prof. Ferran Izquierdo Brichs, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Stefania Fortuna, Italy
Prof. Pierre Schapira, University of Paris 6, France
Prof. John Bunzl, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Omnia El Shakry, UC Davis, USA
Prof. Michael Principe, Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), USA
Prof. Jonathan Nitzan, York University, Canada
Prof. Lisa Duggan, New York University, USA
Dr. Susan Blackwell, UK
Dr. Willem Meijs, UK
Dr Linda Tabar, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Ettore Zerbino, Catholic University Policlinico A. Gemelli, Rome, Italy
Dr. Diana Allan, Cornell University, USA
Prof. Angelo Arioli, Sapienza University, Italy
Prof. Samuel Farber, Brooklyn College of CUNY, USA
Dr. Yasmeen Narayan, Birkbeck, UK
Pedro López López, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Prof. Alessandro Bianchi PhD University of Bari, Italy
Prof. Tekla Lewin, Syracuse University, USA
Prof. Carole Nagengast, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM, USA
Dr. Subir Sinha, SOAS, UK
Dr. Rashmi Varma, University of Warwick, UK
Dr. Sami Al-Kilani, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Prof. Judith Whitehead, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Prof. Ian Mason, Herriot Watt University, UK
Dr. John O’ Brennan, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland
Dr Erez Levon, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Dr. Maire Noonan, McGill University, Canada
Dr. David Heap, Western Ontario University, Canada
Prof. Laurice Tuller, Tours University, France
Prof. Philippe Prévost Tours University, France
Prof. Norbert Hornstein, University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Greg Albo, Dept of Political Science, York University, Toronto, Canada
Jay Arena, College of Staten Island, USA
Dr. Aidan O’Malley, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Prof. Dr. Gie van den Berghe, Belgium
Prof. Olivier Durand, Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy
Dr. David Leonard, Washington State University, USA
Dr. Francine Mestrum, ULB, Brussels, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Tania Das Gupta, York University, Canada
Dr. Karim Zahidi, Department of Philosophy, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Prof. Aamir Mufti, UCLA, USA
Prof. Luisa Martín Rojo, Univerisity Autónoma of Madrid, Spain
Dr. Ico Maly, RITS, Brussels, Belgium
Professor Premilla Nadasen, CUNY, USA
Prof. Angelo Baracca, University of Florence, Italy
Dr. Mary King, Portland State University, USA
Prof. Anna Siniscalchi, Università di Ferrara, Italy
Prof. Kevin A Gould, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Prof. Adrienne Hurley, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Prof. Mike Michael, Uniuversity of Sydney, Australia
Jim Roche, School of Architecture, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dr. Rosemary E. Galli, Independent scholar, UK
Prof. Marie Kennedy, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Prof. Erik Swyngedouw, Manchester University, UK
Prof.Dr.Herman De Ley, Ghent University, Belgium
Dr. Mariam Motamedi Fraser, Goldsmiths University, UK
Dr. Annie Pfingst, University of London, UK
Prof. Kisa Rofel, UC Santa Cruz, USA
Prof. Barbara Aswad Wayne State University USA
Prof. Katherine King, UCLA, USA
Prof. Michael Gasser, Indiana University, USA
Dr. Cosimo Zene, SOAS, UK
Prof. Jeff Coulter, College of Arts & Sciences, Boston University, USA
Prof. Aissa Kadri, Paris 8, France
Naresh Dadhich, IUCAA, Pune and New Delhi, India
Dr. Chris Cramer, SOAS, UK
Professor Alessandro Triulzi, Università L’Orientale di Napoli, Italy
Dr. Samia Bano. SOAS, UK
Dr. Feyzi Ismail, SOAS, UK
Prof. Tina Gharavi, Newcastle University, UK
Mike Cushman, LSE, UK
Prof. Amy Kesselman, SUNY, USA
Prof. Glenn Bowman, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
Prof. David McNally, York University, Toronto, Canada
Prof. Felix Pirani, KCL, UK
Prof. Emilia Perassi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Prof. Assaf Kfoury, USA
Dr. Anne Garcia, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Prof. Caroline Rooney, University of Kent, UK
Dr. Donna M. Joss, Worcester State University, USA
Dr. Rickie Solinger, Independent Scholar, USA
Prof. Pilar Domínguez Prats, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Prof. Maggie Humm, UEL, UK
Prof. Phil Marfleet, UEL, UK
Dr.Şafak Taner, Ege University, Turkey
Prof. Rabab Abdulhadi, San Francisco State University, USA
Dr Denis Condon, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland
Andrew Zimmerman, Professor of History, George Washington University, USA
Dr Julia Borossa, Middlesex University, UK
Prof. Anna Munster, University of New South Wales, Australia
Professor Mustafa Koc, Toronto, Canada
Prof. Mark A. Lause, USA
Prof. Nora Hamilton, University of Southern California, USA
Dr. Roser Zaurin, UAB, Spain
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Missoni, Bocconi University, Milano, Italy
Prof. Johanna Brenner, Portland State University, USA
Prof. Aritz García Gómez, University of Rio Negro, Argentina
Prof. Barbara Katz Rothman, CUNY, USA
Prof. Josefina Saldaña, NYU, USA
Atsuhiro Katano, Sapporo University, Japan
Dr Nikos Bozatzis, Ioannina, Greece
Dr. Rosemary Feurer, Northern Illinois University, USA
Dan Clawson, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Prof. Irene Gendzier, Boston University, Boston, USA
Huma Dar, UC Berkeley, USA
Prof. Martin Hart-Landsberg, USA
Prof. Jennifer Olmsted, Drew University, Madison, USA
Peter Tansey, University College Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Ben Silverstein, UNSW, Australia
Prof. Karam Dana, Seattle, USA
Dr. Alex Rhys-Taylor, Goldsmiths, UK
Prof. Susan M. Akram, Boston University, USA
Minoo Moallem, UC Berkeley, USA
Prof. Aradhana Sharma, Wesleyan University, USA
Tina Ottman, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Prof. C. Heike Schotten, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Dr. Thomas Neu, Florida, USA
Dr. Davina Bhandar, Trent University, Canada
Prof. Dorinda Moreno, San Francisco State University, USA
Dr. Robert V. Lange, Brandeis University, USA
Prof. Monica Dias Martins, State Univesity of Ceara, Brazil
Dr. Dror Warschawski, CNRS, Paris, France
Dr. Peter Slezak, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Prof. Jackie Orr, Syracuse University, USA
Dr. Edward Morin, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, USA
Prof. S N Tandon, India
Prof. Carmel Azzopardi, Uinversity of Malta, Malta
Prof. John Adams, University of Bristol, UK
Dr Catherine Montgomery, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Salma Jayyusi, Boston, USA and Amman, Jordan
Dr Steve Garner, Social Policy & Criminology, Open University, UK
Prof. Norma Claire Moruzzi, USA
Dr. Alfonso Vittorio Anannia, Modena, Italy
Dr Alison Rooke, Goldsmiths University of London, UK
Dr. Carlos de Castro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Jean-Michel Kantor, Paris, France
Dr. J. David Ballester-Berman, University of Alicante, Spain
Prof. Thomas Thompson, Denmark
Prof. Brian K. Barber, USA
Prof. Keith W. Whitelam, University of Sheffield, UK
Dr. Emanuel Pfoh, National University of La Plata, Argentina
Dr. Heidi Grunebaum, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Prof. Yasmeen Daifallah, UMass, Amherst, USA
Prof. Suren Pillay, University of the Western Cape. South Africa
Dr. Lindiwe Dovey, SOAS, University of London, UK
Sharri Plonski, SOAS, UK
TJ Demos, UCL, UK
Prof. Annalisa Marchi, Università di Cagliari, Italy
Dr. Goldie Osuri, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Andrea Domenici, University of Pisa, Italy
Dr. F Nathan, University of Adelaide, Australia
Mohammad Talat, Cairo University, Egypt
Gwyneth Lonergan, University of Manchester, UK
Prof Les Back. Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Alessandra Consolaro, University of Torino, Italy
Dr. Vik Loveday, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Dr. Paul O’Connell, SOAS, University of London, UK
Prof. Clea McNeely, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Andrea Schemmel, University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, Switzerland
Prof. Socrates Stratis, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Prof. Rafael López Garzón, University of Jaén, Spain
Cormac Deane, Department of Film Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Edward L. Keenan, Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Dept of Linguistics, UCLA, USA
Dr. María Lamuedra Graván, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Terry Meade, University of Brighton, UK
Dr. Sarah Roche-Mahdi, Independent scholar, USA
Dr. Andrew Chitty, University of Sussex, UK
Sanaa Moussalim, ISCAE, Morocco
Dr. Rumy Hasan, Sussex University, UK
Prof. Suchetana Chattopadhyay, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Dr. Mohamed Fall Ould Bah, Nouakchott, Mauritania
Abby Lippman, Professor Emerita, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Dr Peter Jackson, School of Humanities, University of Brighton, UK
Dr. Claudia Prestel, Leicester University, UK
Dr. Cheryl A. Rubenberg, USA
Prof. Diya Abdo, Guilford College, Greensboro, USA
Dr. David Landy, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Jeff Jeske, Guilford, USA
Prof. Michael Wessells, Columbia University, USA
Dr. Everett Mendelsohn, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
Dr. John T Chalcraft, LSE, London, UK
Professor Neni Panourgiá, The New School for Social Research, NY, USA
Prof. Mauro Cristaldi , Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
Prof. Aziz Choudry, McGill University, Canada
Prof Marilyn Booth, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Gray Brechin, Department of Geography, UC. Berkeley, USA
Prof. Fida Adely, Georgetown University, USA
Prof. Maria Kaika, Manchester University, UK
Dr. Mark Braverman, independent Scholar, USA
Prof. Evelyn Alsultany, University oif Michigan, USA
Dr. Raffaella Nativio, University of Pennsylvania, US
Phil Vellender, London South Bank University, UK
Prof. George A. Garcia, University of Michigan, USA
Justine Devenney, Brighton University, UK
Dr. Amina Mire, Canada
Muhammad Ali Khalidi, York University, UK
Prof. Eva Jørholt, Film, Media and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Alessandro Portelli, La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
Prof. Geneviève Rail, Concordia University, Canada
Dr. Lynette A. Jackson, UIC, Chicago, USA
Wanda Lieberman, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, UC Berkeley, USA
Prof. Maria Giovanna Stasolla, University of Rome, Italy
Prof. Paul Clough, Malta University, Malta
Prof. Jacki Thompson Rand, Department of History, University of Iowa, USA
Prof. Premesh Lalu, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Timon Screech, SOAS University of London, UK
Dr. Susan Schaefer Davis, Independent Scholar, USA
Prof. Elizabeth Emma Ferry, Brandeis University, USA
Prof. Caroline Seymour-Jorn, University of Wisconsin, USA
Prof. Roy Maartens, Western Cape, South Africa
Prof. Gabriel Alexander Khoury, Padua University, Italy
Prof. Alan Stoleroff, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Dave Holmes, University of Ottawa, Canada
Prof. Heidi Morrison, University of Wisconsin, USA
Prof. Dr. Paolo Xella, CNR, Università di Pisa, Italy
Prof. Michel Vanhoorne, University of Ghent, Belgium
Marco Bruni, University of Portsmouth, UK
Dr. Luna Glucksberg, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Dr. Guido Veronese, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Dr. Manal Hamzeh, New Mexico State University, USA
Manal Hamzeh Al Smadi, New Mexico State University, USA
Dr. Christophe Pouzat, Pari 5, CNRS, Paris, France
Prof. Donna Lee Bowen, Brigham Young University, USA
Prof. Donna Mergler, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Prof. Laura Briggs, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Prof. Elizabeth Aaronsohn, Central CT State University, USA
Dr. Sarah Abboud, USA & Lebanon
Michelle Fine, CUNY, USA
Dr. Amelie Perron, University of Ottawa, Canada
Prof. John Ellis, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Dr Graham Dyer, UCU, UK
Anadi Mishra, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
Pietro Masina, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy
Dr. Chiara Sebastiani, University of Bologna, Italy
Dr. Maria Giovanna Stasolla, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
Fabrizia Baldissera, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italy
Prof. Lieven De Cauter, University of Leuven, Belgium
Siggie Vertommen, Ghent University, Belgium
Patrizia Zanelli, Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, Italy
Francesco Pallante, Università di Torino, Italy
Antonetta lucia bruno, Universita di Roma Sapienza, Italy
Michelguglielmo Torri, University of Torino, Italy
Laura Guazzone, Sapienza University, Italy
Dr. Giulia Daniele, Italy
Barbara de Poli, Ca’ Foscari University, Italy
Elena Borghi, European University Institute, Firenze, Italy
Dr. Nicola Mocci, Università di Sassari, Italy
Ihab Mansour, Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli studi di Torino, Italy
Prof. Federico Cresti, Università di Catania, Italy
Dr. Francesco CORREALE, CNRS, Tours, France
Prof.Em.Pieter Saey, Ghent, Belgium
Dr Enrico Bartolomei, independent scholar, Italy
Prof. Gordon Fellman, Brandeis University, USA
Luisa Molino, Concordia University, Canada
Prof. Lars Dahlström, Umeå, Sweden
Prof. Noah De Lissovoy, Austin, USA
Prof. Kanishka Goonewardena, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Christine Gailey, University of California, Riverside, USA
Prof. Marilyn Hacker, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, USA
Prof. Andrew Winnick, California State University, LA, USA
Prof. Annelies Moors, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Chenjerai Shire, SOAS, UK
Prof. John Womack, Jr., Harvard University, emeritus, USA
Prof. Wendy Ashmore, Department of Anthropology, UC Riverside, USA
Morwenna Griffiths, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr Annemarie Goldstein Jutel, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Dr. Meeta Rani Jha, UC Berkeley, USA
Prof. Nora Hamilton, USC, USA
Prof. DeeDee Halleck, UC San Diego, USA
Dr. Audrey Bryan, Dublin City University, Ireland
Prof. Susana Loza, Hampshire College, USA
Caren Kaplan, UC Davis, USA
Dr. Muna Ali, USA
Prof. Myria Georgiou, LSE, UK
Prof. Frances S. Hasso, Duke University, USA
Prof. Hania Sholkamy, Src-AUC, Egypt
Malini Johar Schueller, University of Florida, USA
Dr. Donna M. Joss, USA
Prof. Carol Muske-Dukes, USC, USA
Prof. Courtney B. Cazden, Harvard University Emerita, USA
Prof. Ray Jackendoff, Tufts University, USA
Dr. John Trumpbour, Harvard, USA
Jérôme Maucourant, University of Saint-Etienne, France
Marsh Rosengarten, Goldsmith University of London, UK
Raju Das, York University, Canada
Stephen Kipfer, York University, Canada
Noam Perry, SJSU, USA
Dr. Lubayna Fawcett, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Dr Maud Anne Bracke, University of Glasgow, UK
Colin Dayan, Vanderbilt University, USA
Miriam Ronzoni, Politics, University of Manchester, UK
Rashmi Luther, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Rose Marie Kuhn, CSUF, USA
Robert Brenner, UCLA, USA
Charles Post, City University of New York, USA
Prof. Erica Kohl-Arenas, The New School, USA
Minoo Moallem, UC Berkeley, USA
Prof. Paola Bacchetta, UC Berkeley, USA
Natalia Baeza, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy
Carlo Sias, Consiglio Nazionale di Ricerca, Florence, Italy
Prof. Chandan Reddy, University of Washington, USA
Kaj Öhrnberg, Kelsinky, Finland
Dr. Hector Grad, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Dr Vanja Hamzić, SOAS, University of London, UK
Prof. Michael Zryd, York University, Canada
Prof. Radhika Mongia, York University, Toronto, Canada
Kim Scholtz, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Prof. Alyosha Goldstein, University of New Mexico, USA
Prof. Aissa Kadri, University Paris8, France
Jay Arena, College of Staten Island, USA
Maria Eugenia Cardenal de la Nuez, 
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Prof. Curtis Marez, UC San Diego, USA
Dr. Linda Tabar, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Robin Crews, USA
Xavier Papaïs, Directeur de programme au Collège International de Philosophie, France
Todd Shepard, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Adolph Reed, Jr., University of Pennsylvania, USA
Matan Cohen, Columbia University, USA
Prof. Courtney B. Cazden, Harvard University Emerita, USA
Elisa Giunchi, università degli studi di Milano, Italy
Dr. Carol Mann, Women in War, USA
Professor, Elizabeth Heinemann, University of Iowa, USA
John Gilbert, University of Firenze, Italy
Prof. Yoav Elinevsky, USA
Prof. Philip J Metres, John Carroll University, USA
Dr Mandy Turner, University of Bradford, UK
Prof. Bruno Charbonneau, Laurentian University, Canada
Professor Khaled Abou El Fadl, UCLA, USA
Dr. Hermán S. García, New Mexico State University, USA
Prof. Mary Baine Campbell, Brandeis University, USA
Prof. Eve M. Adams, New Mexico State University, USA
Dr. Éric Guichard, ENSSIB, France
Prof. Askold Melnyczuk, University of Massachusets Boston, USA
Prof. William T. Armaline, San Jose State University, USA
Prof. Heather Sykes, University of Toronto, Canada
Eve Adams, NMSU, USA
Prof. Baki Tezcan, UC Davis, USA
Prof. Jules Chametzky, Umass, Amherst, USA
Prof. Josh Perlstein, Central Connecticut State University, USA
Michelle Hartman, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Prof. Jan Wright, University of Wollongong, Australia
Adriana Piga, University of Rome SAPIENZA, Italy
Prof. Marina Faccioli, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Dr. Lucy Ladikoff PhD, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
Prof. Lawrence Davidson, West Chester University, USA
Ayyaz Mallick, York University, Canada
Prof. Suzanne Gardinier, Sarah Lawrence College, NY, USA
Prof. Francine Dolins, University of Michigan, USA
Alicia Ostriker, Rutgers University, USA
Dr. Herman Garcia, New Mexico State University, USA
Prof. Roger G. LeBlanc, Université de Moncton, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, CANADA
Ingrid Rollema, Den Haag, The Netherlands
Prof. Andor Skotnes, The Sage Colleges, Troy, New York, USA
Prof. Pilar Domínguez Prats, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Prof. Olivier Lecour Grandmaison, France
Dr. Agustin Velloso, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Madrid, Spain
Prof. James Cohen, Université de Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, France
Dr. Elena Consiglio, University of Palermo, Italy
Prof. Effat Moussa, DePaul University, Chicago, USA
Professor Sharif Kanaana, Palestine
Abdelkarim Hannachi, Università di Enna – Kore, Sicily, Italy
Marc-Emmanuel Soriano, Paris, France
Dr. Tony Chafer, Portsmouth University, UK
Douglas Gonzalez, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Dr. Rahul Rao, SOAS, University of London, UK
Dr Ayesha Shahid, Brunel University, UK
Prof. Jørgen Bæk Simonsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Varun Sahni, Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India
Dr. Graham Smith, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Dr. Hatem Bazian, Berkeley, USA
Sahil Warsi, SOAS, UK
Gary Horne, London College of Communication, University of the Arts, London, UK
Prof. William Raban, University of the Arts London, UK
Jayne Forbes, University of the Arts, London, UK
Beverley Carruthers, London College of Communication, UAL, UK
Prof. Martin Hirst, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Roberto Gutiérrez Varea, University of San Francisco, USA
Prof. aolo Puddinu, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy
Monica Biagioli, London College of Communication, UAL, UK
Dr. Randa Farah, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Dr. Igor Cherstich, UCL, London, UK
Richard Osborne, University of the Arts London, UK
Dr. Leticia Sabsay, Birkbeck, univesity of London, UK
Prof. Bridget Blomfield, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Dr. Ashok Jashpara, Royal Holoway University of London, UK
Monika Parrinder, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London, UK
Prof. Tim Jacoby, University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Mary Baine Campbell, Brandeis University, USA
Prof. Naveeda Khan, JHU, USA
Martin Herrnstadt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Henning Grosse Ruse – Khan, University of Cambridge, King’s College, UK
Dr. Carolina Matos, City University London, UK
Elena Valdameri, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
Prof. Sean Field, University of Capetown, South Africa
Daniela Melfa, Università di Catania, Italy
Prof. Mohammad Fadel, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Naor Ben-Yehoyada, Harvard University, USA
Sam Salehi Samiee, Rabk, The Netherlands
Richard Levins, Harvard School of Public Health, USA
Michelle Salazar Perez, New Mexico State University, USA
Prof. Frank Roels, Ghent University, Belgium
Dr. Ali Nobil Ahmad, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany
Marvin Carlson, CUNY, USA
Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg, Pluto Books, London, UK
Hayan Charara, University of Houston, USA
José Luis Lalueza, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Rania Hafez, senior lecturer, Greenwich University, UK
Prof. John Marriott, University of Hull, UK
Dr. Gholam Khiabany, Goldsmiths, university of London, UK
Prof. Sami Shalom Chetrit, NY, USA
Dr. Judy Kronenfeld, USA
Dr. Nour Ali, University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Paolo Barrucci, University of Florence, Italy
Dr. David Shorter, UCLA, USA
Leopoldo Rodriguez, PSU, USA
Dr. Sue Ferguson, Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Magid Shihade, UC Davis, USA
Nancy Platt, UEL, UK
Dr, Robert Ashmore, Florida, USA
Prof. Peter Rachleff, Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Dr. Filiz Barin Akman, SUNY Geneseo, USA
Prof. Ingrid hjelm, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr. Judy Price, Brighton University, UK
Prof. Richard Levins, Harvard School of Public Health, USA
Prof. Abdel Wedoud Ould Cheikh, Univerité de Lorraine, France
Emanuela Dalmasso, CIES-IUL ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Erik Swyngedouw, Manchester University, UK
Dr. M. Rosaria Conte, University of Salento, Italy
Prof. Yoshiko Kurita, Japan
Joy Moore, Dawson College, Quebec, Canada
Dr. Nitzan Lebovic, USA
Dr Ana Aliverti, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Eiji Nagasawa, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Patric Jacobs, Ghent University, Belgium
Marnie Holborow, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Rupert Read, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Dr Ruba Salih, SOAS, university of London, UK
Dr. Judit Druks, Univesity College London, UK
Prof. Richard Lance Keeble, University of Lincoln, UK
Dr. Sonia Sanchez Busques. Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Jan-Erik Gustafsson, KTH, Sweden
Dr. Biju Vincent, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kerala, India
Cathy Greenhalgh, University of the Arts London, UK
Dr. Andrea Luka Zimmerman, University of the the Arts London, UK
Prof. Jesse Lemisch, City University of New York, USA
Prof. Abdul Paliwala, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Claudine Dauphin, University of Wales, UK
Prof. Eve Tuck, State University of New York, USA
Prof. Rachel Beckles Willson, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Dr. Cristina Carpinelli, Milan, Italy
Dr. Sunny Singh, London Metropolitan University, UK
Dr. Aref Assaf, President, American Arab Forum, USA
Prof. Ikram Masmoudi, University of Delaware, USA
Dr. Ruth Heilbronn, Institute of Education University of London, UK
Dr. Dolores Chew, Montreal, Canada
Prof. Rose A. Zimbardo, SUNY Stony Brook, USA
Prof. Iphigenia Kamtsidou, Universite Aristote de Thessalonique, Greece
Antonio Pioletti, Universita di Catania, Italy
Prof. Julie Greene, University of Maryland at College Park, USA
Stephen S. Gosch, independent scholar, USA
Prof. Susan Visvanathan, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Prof. Leo Panitch, York University, Toronto, Canada
Dr. Ana Aliverti, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Larry Gross, University of Southern California, USA
Angelo Salento, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
Prof. Laura Bier, USA
Guilain Mathe M., Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Prof. Lois Weiner, New Jersey City University, USA
Prof. Alan Sokal, USA
Prof. Dr Gideon Calder, University of South Wales, UK
Pascal Debruyne, University of Ghent, Belgium
Prof. Jeff Fort, University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. Alexandra Juhasz, Pitzer College, Claremont, USA
Craig Willse, George Mason University, USA
Prof. Costas Lapavitsas, SOAS University of London, UK
Dr. Aunali S Khaku, University of south Florida, UK
John Stewart , NWRC, Derry, UK
Dr. Chiara De Cesari, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Natalie Beausoleil, Memorial University, Canada
Hadi Gharabaghi, New York University, USA
Prof. Abdullah al-Ahsan, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malasya
Prof. Charles E. Butterworth, University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Sherine F. Hamdy, Brown University, USA
Prof. Sister Martha Ann Kirk, University of the Incarnate Word, USA
Prof. Naomi Binder Wall, Laurentian University at Georgian College, Canada
Prof. Micahel Keefer, University of Guelph, Canada
Prof. Sherry Vatter, California State University, USA
Prof. Samer S. Shehata, University of Oklahoma, USA
Rebecca Romani, Palomar College, USA
Prof. Dr. Ömer Demir, Rector of Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey
Prof. Allen J. Zerkin, New York University, USA
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Acar, Aksaray Üniversitesi Rektörü, Turkey
Dr. SUE JOSEPH, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yilmaz, Aksaray University, Turkey
Prof. Qais Ghanem, University of Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Milly Williamson, Brunel University, UK
Prof. Dr. Ural MANÇO, Aksaray University, Turkey
Harmony Siganporia, MICA, India
Dr. Ömer VAROL, Aksaray Üniversitesi, Turkey
Prof. Nigel Harris, University College London, UK
Enver Alper Guvel -Çukurova University, Turkey
Prof. Miriam R. Lowi, College of New Jersey, USA
Dr. Vicky Margree, University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Marta Padrós Castells, Universita Autonoma Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Luke Martell, University of Sussex, UK
Dr. Reima Ana Maglajlic, University of Sussex, UK
Dr. Theodore Koulouris, University of Brighton, UK
Dr. Barry Luckock, University of Sussex, UK
Prof. Mario Novelli, University of Sussex, UK
Prof. Robin D. G. Kelley, UCLA, USA
Lorraine Balxter, Warwick University, UK
Mansour Al Qubeissi, University of Brighton, UK
Dr. Manus McGrogan University of Portsmouth, UK
Prof. Tom Hickey, University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Erin B. Mee, New York University, USA
Dr. Lesley Whitworth, University of Brighton, UK
Sarah-Jane Ryan, University of Brighton, UK
Dr Lyn Pemberton, University of Brighton, UK
Dr Jelena Timotijevic, University of Brighton, UK
Alpaslan Bulbul, Brighton & Sussex Medical School, UK
Dr. Daniele Cantini, MLU Halle/Wittenberg, Germany
Prof. Salem Mekuria, Wellesley College, USA
Prof. John Collins, St. Lawrence University, USA
Dr. Richard Matthews, King’s University College, Canada
Dr. Mylène Dressler, Guilford College, USA
Prof. Dr. Adnan Derdiyok, Atatürk University, Turkey
Prof. Mathias Urban, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Thomas G. Weiss, CUNY, USA
Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Erdil, Mugla University, Turkey
Dr. Mahmut Özer, Aksaray University, Turkey
Swayam Bagaria, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Dr. Denis Rancourt, University of Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Yoad Winter, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Prof. Adem Caylak, Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey
Valerie Mace, London College of Communication, UAL, UK
Dr. Sanaa Alimia, SOAS, UK and Free University, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Vehbi BAŞER, Balikesir University, Turkey
Dr. Anders Widmark, Uppsala University, Sweden
Dr. Oskari Kuusela, University of East Anglia, UK
Prof. Dr Qais Ghanem, University of Ottawa, Canada
Prof. Samina Chaudhry, College of Home Economics, Lahore, Pakistan
Richard McEwan, tower hamlets college, UK
Prof. Ania Loomba, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Alba Rosa Suriano, Univeristy of Catania, Italy
Prof. James Faris, University of Connecticut, USA
Billie Loebner, Tower Hamlets College, UK
Dr. Simon Collie, University of Brighton, UK
Angela Di Gregorio, Milan University, Italy
Sharon lambley, University of Sussex, UK
Dr. Judith Watson, University of Brighton, UK
Dr. Lesley Murray, University of Brighton, UK
David L. Johnston, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Andrea Esser, University of Roehampton, UK
Dr. Sue Porter, University of Bristol, UK
Dr. Enrico L. Rezende, University of Roehampton, UK
Pat Mahony, University of Roehampton, UK
Dr Nadia Aghtaie, University of Bristol, UK
Joanne Naiman, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Prof. Martin Shaw, IBEI (Barcelona), Universities of Roehampton and Sussex, UK
Prof. Roy Ascott, Plymouth University, UK
Dr. Adrian Chown, University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Joel Gordon, University of Arkansas, USA
Prof. Penny Jane Burke, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. James C. Faris, University of Connecticut, USA
Leone Ross, Roehampton University, UK
Prof. Claire Gallien, Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier, France
Prof. Christos Georgalas, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Marie-Pierre Moreau, University of Roehampton, UK
Mehdi Husaini, Teesside University, UK
Prof. Ruti Talmor, Pitzer College, California, USA
Prof. Harvey Goldstein, University of Bristol, UK
Bahadur Najak, Durham University, UK
Dr. Pablo Romero-Fresco, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Ros Coward, University of Roehampton, UK
Dr. Ellen O’Gorman, University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Ray Bush, University of Leeds, UK
DR. Öer Faruk Altunc, Muş Alparslan University, Turkey
Dr. Sedat Bozari, Muş Alparslan University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ali Bayhan, Ordu University, Turkey
Adrian Lovis, University for the Creative Arts, UK
Dr. Erşan Sever, Aksaray University, Turkey
Mike Lammiman, University of Hull, UK
K. Mehmet Kentel, University of Washington, USA
Prof. Hüseyin Akan, Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey
Sarah Gartland, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Dr. Tarik Yarilgac, Ordu University, Turkey
Hesham Bahari, Publisher, Alhambra Förlag, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Mahmut Aydin, Vice Rector, Ondokuz Mayıs Unversity, Turkey
Prof. David Kazanjian, Pennsylvania University, USA
Prof. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Polat, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Turkey
Prof Huseyin Akan, Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Musa Duman, Fatih Sultan Mehmet VAQF University, Turkey
Prof. Hüseyin Akan, Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Nihat İNANÇ, Rector, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Turkey
Prof. Birol Mercan, Konya Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Turkey
Dr. Shelley Trower, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Adam Ockelford, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Dr. Burhanettin Uysal, Rector, Karabuk Üniversitesi, Turkey
Dr. Zekiye Demir, Ankara University, Turkey
Prof. Carolyn L. Karcher, Temple University, USA
Prof. Christian Imdorf, University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Sule Albayrak, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
Prof. Carlos Alejandro Nome, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil
Prof. Michael Burawoy, University of California Berkeley, USA
Cecelia Lavan, Metropolitan College of New York, USA
Dr. Ian Barnes, University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland, UK
Prof. Dr. Mahmut Özdemir, Kırıkkale University, Turkey
Mine Kaylan, University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Eric Alliez, Kingston University, UK
Dr. Darren O’Byrne, University of Roehampton, UK
Dr. Carrie Hamilton, University of Roehampton, London
Dr Giulia Terzian, University of Bristol, UK
Dr. Chris Burns-Cox, North Bristol NHS Trust, University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Mehmet Bulut Yildirim Beyazit, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Turkey
Richard Tutin, University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Dr. Guven Murat, Ordu University, Turkey
Esra Demir, Mus Alparslan Üniversity, Turkey
Dr. İlker Camkerten, Aksaray University, Turkey
Prof. Nahida H. Gordon, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Dr. Nina Power, Roehampton University, UK
Dr. Mustafa Ardic, Aksaray University, Turkey
Dr. Lamia Levent, Ankara University, Turkey
Dr. Mesut Guner, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Dr. Adam Kossoff, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Dr. Gargi Bhattacharyya, Uof East London, UK
Dr. Say Burgin, University of Leeds, UK
Dr. Janek Dubowski, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof.Dr.Hakkı Gökbel, Rector, Selcuk University, Turkey
Dr. Gary Littlejohn, University of Bradford, UK
Dr. Hannah Cross, University of Westminster, UK
Dr. Elif Arslan, University of Ankara, Turkey
Irene Wise, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza Aydin, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey
Dr. Kai Lundgren-Williams, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, USA
Dr Mary Powell, Laurentian, Canada
Dr, Abi Belai, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. A. Naomi Paik, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dr. Sara Pantuliano, Humanitarian Policy Group, UK
Dr. Christopher Hirschmann Brandt, Fordham University, New York, USA
Prof. Maria Luisa Cesoni, Belgium
Serap Ulubay Istek, Mus Alparslan Universitesi, Turkey
Stephen Vlastos, University of Iowa, USA
Prof. Sara Youtchak, Uruguay
Gökhan Satılmış, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Alison Assiter, University of Western England, UK
Prof. Max Scharnberg, Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Maria Luisa Cesoni, University of Louvain, Belgium
Jérôme Lèbre, Collège international de philosophie, France
Dr. Serdar Aslan, Sakarya University, Turkey
Prof. Richardson Leao, Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sisman, Member of Higher Educatin Council, Turkey
Dr. Hazem Ziada, Birmingham City University, UK
Dr. Selahattin Özyurt, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Turkey
Prof. Colin Brooks, The Medical School, Newcastle, UK
Prof. Gill Crozier, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Zafar Bashir, University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Dr. Hayri Coşkun, Rector, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Turkey
Prof. Hamit Okur, Rektor, Istanbul Medeniyet University, UK
Bekir Yildirim, Muş Alparslan Universty, Turkey
Dr. Gary Riley-Jones, Senior Lecturer, Goldsmiths University of London, UK
Prof.Mustafa Şahin, University of Gaziosmanpaşa, Turkey
Ulaş Kilic, Celal Bayar University, Turkey
Dr. Camilo Perez Bustillo, International Tribunal of Conscience, New Mexico, USA
Stefan Apostolou-Hölscher, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany
Dr. Ümid Karli, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey
Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey
Maria de Souza, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Ömer Torlak, KTO Kararay University, Konya, Turkey
Dr. Valentina Ripa, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Prof. Gurminder K Bhambra, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Edson Teles, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, Brasil
Dr. Samettin GÜNDÜZ, Üniversity of Abant Izzet Baysal, Turkey
Dr. Kirsten Forkert, Birmingham City University, UK
Prof. Frédéric Lebaron, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin, France
Prof. Sam Binkley, Emerson College, USA
Dr Geoff Abbott Newcastle University UK
Sue Abbott Northumbria University UK
Prof. Daniel Boyarin, UC Berkeley, USA
Noemi Piliavsky: Licenciada en Educación Física, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Emma Cervone, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dr. Daniel Monterescu, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
David Horvath, University of Louisville, USA
Dr. Firoza Elavia, York University, Toronto, Canada
Andrew Nash, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Prof. Iain Chambers, University of Naples, “Orientale”, Italy
Prof. Ken Harper, Syracuse University, USA
Dr. Arabella Stanger, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Maurya Simon, University of California, Riverside, USA
Dr. Sandeep Pandey, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi, India
Prof. Alice Bach, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Prof. Oyvind Wistrom, Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Norway
Dr. Lubna Nadvi, University of Kwa Zulu Natal, Durban, South Africa
Tula Goenka, Syracuse University, USA
Dr. Joaqin Arroyo-Cabrales, Insituto nacional de Antropologia e Historia Mondea, Mexico
Adem Palabıyık, Mus Alparslan Üniversity, Turkey
Prof. Richard Jackson, University of Otago, New Zealand
Dr. Simon Parker, University of York, UK
Dr. Özmen istek mus Alparslan University, Turkey
Prof. Yuki Tanaka, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University, Japan
Prof. Catherine Coray, NYU, USA
Yemil Harcha Raffachello, University of Arts and Social Sciences, Chile
Prof. Kristin Bergen, Howard University, Washington, DC, USA
Dr. Marta Soler, University of Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Bishnupriya Ghosh, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Prof. Caroline Chung Simpson, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Prof. Abdullah M. Al-Dagamseh, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Vincenzo Maimone, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Francesco Sciuto, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Katerina Papatheu, Universita degli Studi di Catania, Italy
Dr. G. Scollo, Universita` di Catania, Italy
Prof. Gigliola Nocera, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Chrysanthi Nigianni, University of East London, UK
Prof. Giovanni Gallo, Catania, Italy
Prof. Lúcia Sá, University of Manchester, UK
Professor David Theo Goldberg, University of California, Irvine, USA
Prof. Massimo Bonifazio, Università di Catania, Italy
Prof. Gaetano Belvedere, University of Catania, Italy
Prof. Elaine Freedgood, New York University, USA
Prof. Vincenzo Memoli, University of Catania, Italy
Prof. Lucia Ciranna, Università di Catania, Italy
Dr. Sebaheddin Şevgin, Yuzuncu Yil University, Turkey
Prof. Giorgio Mariani, Università “Sapienza” di Roma, Italy
Prof. Luciano Nigro, University of Catania, Italy
Giovanni Bartoloni, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Nancy Langham Hooper, Australia
Prof. Salvatore Giuffrida, University of Catania, Italy
Prof. Ron Smith, Bucknell University, USA
Dr. Birten Çelik, East Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Gianni Piazza, University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Sue Robson, University of Roehampton, UK
Prof. Marcella Renis, Catania, Italy
Dr. Mary J. Wilson, Orford, NH, USA
Prof. Paolo Barcella, University of Bergamo, Italy
Dr. Sandra Nasr, University of Notre Dame, Australia
Dr. Douglas Ponton, University of Catania, Italy
Prof. Karlos Pérez de Armiño, University of the Basque Countr, Spain
Prof. Timothy Murray, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
Nora Melnikova, University Pardubice, Czech Republic
Prof. Greg Vargo, , New York University, USA
Prof. Chris Kesteloot, University of Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Neil Hertz, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Leo Zeilig, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, at the University of London, UK
Prof. Stefania Panebianco, University of Catania, Italy
Prof. Alberto Giovanni B

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